BulletinsNEW BULLETIN: MPTA S1i – Roller Chain and Sprocket Terminology (MPTA S1i-2023)
The transmission of mechanical power between parallel shafts can be achieved through the use of a roller chain and roller chain sprockets. A common terminology of roller chain power transmission products will assist users to design and select products to achieve this transmission of mechanical power.
Compiled by the members of the Chain and Sprocket industry, this bulletin provides a listing of commonly used terms and their definitions as they apply to Roller Chain and Roller Chain Sprockets.
MPTA B3c – Synchronous Drive Identification Informational Bulletin (MPTA B3c-2020)
This informational bulletin categorizes current and discontinued synchronous drive products by tooth form.
MPTA B11i – Belt Drive Misalignment Informational Bulletin (MPTA-B11i-2018 R2024)
Proper alignment is crucial for optimal belt service life and performance. This informational bulletin provides information on belt drive misalignment and recommendations for maximum misalignment angles for V-belt, V-ribbed, and synchronous belt drives. It also provides a formula for calculating the allowable misalignment offset based on the center distance, and includes a table with the maximum allowable misalignment offsets for different center distances.
MPTA C2c – Elastomeric Coupling Alignment Informational Bulletin (MPTA-C2c-2015 R2022)
This Informational Bulletin is intended for individual who need to understand the necessity for shaft alignment with elastomeric couplings, types of alignment, factors that affect alignment, and the basic practices to achieve acceptable alignment of the connected equipment.
MPTA C3c – Balancing Informational Bulletin (MPTA-C3c-2019)
Many users of elastomeric couplings are being presented with the need for increased balancing. This subject is mentioned in trade articles, trade shows, seminars, by consultants and engineering schools. The reason often given for increased coupling balance is noise, shaft and bearing wear, and vibration. Many of the proponents of tighter balancing speak of values of balance which can significantly increase the product cost and may produce no observable benefit to the application. All manufactured couplings have balance to some value or class. The amount of balance required varies from application to application. This is a result of the fact that every coupling is but one component of a rotating system of many components manufactured by several manufactures. It is often the characteristics of these other components which determine the amount of required coupling balance. Very often, the user of couplings specifies a value of balance based upon a source which has no knowledge of their unique system. The risk is that the value of balance specified may be beyond the user‘s application needs. Because the responsibility for the selection of proper coupling balance lies primarily with the purchaser of the coupling, this “informational bulletin” was written to aid that user in determining the value or class of balance needed in their own unique application.
MPTA C4 – Elastomeric Coupling Informational Bulletin (MPTA-C4-2014 R2021)
This informational bulletin is intended to educate the reader on elastomeric coupling features and provide basic explanations of those features that influence proper coupling selection.
MPTA C5c – Common Causes of Jaw Coupling Failures (MPTA-C5-2015 R2022)
This guideline is intended to provide users with a general overview of the most common causes of failure with elastomeric Jaw and Curve jaw couplings and their causes.
MPTA C6m – Frequently Asked Questions on Metric Bores and Keyways in Couplings (MPTA-C6m-2014 R2024)
This bulletin contains the 17 most Frequently Asked Questions on Metric Bores and Keyways in Couplings, providing information on standards, differences between metric and inch systems, and guidance on appropriate fits for mechanical assemblies.

MPTA C7c – Common Causes of Tire Coupling Failures (MPTA-C7c-2010-R2024)
This publication is intended to provide users with a general overview of the most common causes of failure with elastomeric Tire couplings and their causes.
MPTA C8c – Common Causes of Sleeved Element Failures (MPTA-C8c-R2021)
This Informational Bulletin is intended to provide users with a general overview of the most common failures of elastomeric shear donut style couplings and their causes.

MPTA C9 – Standards and Regulations Affecting Couplings (MPTA-C9-2014 R2024)
The purpose of this informational bulletin is to provide examples of standards and regulations affecting both elastomeric and metallic couplings. It aims to educate the reader on the organizations that create and use these standards and regulations, as well as provide descriptions and website links for each organization.
MPTA C10c – Common Causes of Disc Coupling Failures (MPTA-C10c-2022)
This Informational Bulletin presents recommendations for monitoring and inspection of disc pack flexible couplings.
MPTA C11c – Common Causes of Grid Coupling Failures (MPTA-C11c-2017)
With detailed explanations, diagrams, and remedial recommendations, this informational bulletin provides valuable insights into the common causes of grid coupling wear and failures.
MPTA C12c – When Good Bores Appear to Have Gone Bad (MPTA-C12c-2022)
This informational bulletin is intended to explain the common causes for bores appearing to be out of print specification tolerance.
MPTA C13c – Common Causes of Gear Coupling Failures (MPTA-C13c-2022)
This Informational Bulletin presents recommendations for identifying common causes of grid coupling wear and failures.